What is the ultimate facial cleansing method recommended by beauty expert Caoru?
This is a unique facial cleansing method created by beauty expert Caoru.
Just one "super cleansing" session can dramatically change the condition of your skin.
5 Rule
5 rules for super cleansing
Step 01.
Use plenty of cleansing milk
*Approximate size of a large Muscat
Step 02.
Use your fingertips to rub in small circles.
Step 03.
Wash your face with about 1/10th the strength of your usual face wash.
Step 04.
Massage for 5 minutes to absorb
Step 05.
Rinse off with water at the optimum temperature (body skin temperature is a good guideline; warm water that feels just a little warm and comfortable).
What the Super Facial Cleansing Method Can Do
- Cleanses and soothes the skin
- Balances the skin's moisture and oil content
- Activates metabolism and regulates cell turnover*
- Prevents current and future skin problems*
- Relax your mind, skin and body*
*Super cleansing effect